OBS 27.0.1 (Mojave) crash normal - portable functional
Good dayI initially installed OBS a year ago, with the obs-virtual-cam plugin separately. REcently I retried using OBS and it crashed (after upgrades..)SO, went through the motions, removed obs-virtualcam, `brew reinstall obs` etc. etc. bt still keep getting the crashes. Started to google..- T
Media Share stutter on Mac OSX - OBS 27.0.1
Just updated to the newest version of obs with browser docks and everything.Browser sources is very laggy even with hardware acceleration on (or off for that matter)Streamlabs media share is not working in this update.Videos that play in that browser source is fine for a couple of hours.. - M
OBS-NDI on ElCapitan
Hi, I tried to install the run time and NDI plugin several times over but haven't seen it in the TOOLS. 13:13:32.376: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8135 @ 2.40GHz13:13:32.376: CPU Speed: 2400MHz13:13:32.376: Physical Cores: 2, Logical Cores: 213:13:32.376: Physical Memory.. - 2
Cursor lag while recording on MacOS
I have the problem that my mouse cursor has a noticeably higher latency/delay when OBS is opened on my MacBook 2019.Specs:MacBook Pro 2019, 13 inchmacOS Catalina Version 10.15.7Greetings! - M
Focusrite logic obs
im running Catalina on an iMac. My audio interface is a focusrite 18i8. Using the latest version of Logic Pro X, 20.5.1 I’ve configured an aggregate device using soundflower and followed the various tutorials re signal flow. I’m using 6 channels of in logic. the problem I’m having is that the.. - P
Bug ReportMac Desktop audio disable
Hi everyone i installed ishow u, did agregate output, multi output and nothing happened i have no audio capture from my apollo interface and desktop audio is always disable, how can i fix it i did it all - B
Feature Request for OBS Mac - Native iOS audio capture
I hope this is in the right sectionFeature request - Mac OBS could natively capture the audio from ios devices like it can the video. Both Game Capture HD and Camtasia can do thisI stream mobile games form my iPad using OBS. I use QuickTime player to capture both Video and Audio from my..- Thread
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Ideas and Suggestions
- A
Question / HelpHDMI capture device options for a USB 2 & thunderbolt only mac
Hey there,Noob alert. I am trying to work out how to capture the clean 1080p30 HDMI output from my Nikon D7200 with my iMac; mid 2011 2.5 GHz i5 (quad core) running MacOS Sierra 10.12.6 (& OBS 24.0.6). My mac has only USB 2 ports and a Thunderbolt 1 port.My research indicates that all the.. - T
Bug ReportOBS crashes on startup. Need help.
Hey, here is the crash log for OBS. It's crashed consistently on startup even though it worked fine up until recently. Also when I try to install software like Streamlabs OBS my computer freezes. I'm Unable to get a crash log for that problem so I'm hoping they are adjacent. Crash Logs.. - M
Question / HelpiOs OBS camera with OBS doesn't sync with audio interface
I started streaming since a few weeks back. I saw the option to use your Iphone as a camera in your livestream. So i did some tests but it was not satisfying. I am using an usb audio interface (behringer xr18) for my audio input for the livestream. But is the audio is not in sync with the camera.. - R
Question / HelpIssue with window capture - MacOs Catalina
Hi,I'm new on OBS and followed a lot of tutorials to use it.I have a problem when I want to share a window (and don't have this issue with local files) : the image 'jump', it's not permanent and content.Does anyone have an idea ?Configuration OBS : OBS Studio 24.0.6 (mac)Configuration.. - O
Question / HelpOBS worked, crashed & haven't worked since - MacBook Pro High Sierra
Hello! I am new to the OBS community.I stalled OBS on my MacBook Pro (High Sierra - ver 10.13.6). I had it all set up and working just fine. It shut down unexpectedly. I tried to reopen it. The icon would bounce in the dock, then stop. An error message would pop up. After a few iterations of.. - M
Question / HelpZoom Call to OBS - Flickering Issue
Hey, all!Right now I'm running zoom to obs through a zoom 'window capture' source. There is an intermittent flickering that I can't get rid of. The video in the zoom call itself is fine, but when it comes into obs something goes wrong. The image sources that I've added as layers on top of the.. - G
Question / HelpVision frame freeze at a certain time, while streaming.
Hi, I am using OBS on Mac and when I stream a video, it will freeze in a frame but the audio continues and the vision frame stays freeze.Then when I stop the stream it will continues normally.- Thread
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Mac Support
- S
Question / HelpHD60s crackling/dropping audio in OBS? (Mac using OBS Link)
Hey everyone, I’ve started streaming using an Elgato HD60S with OBS on a Mac to stream from my Xbox One S, but I've been having persisitent issues with the gameplay audio dropping during the stream. It beings stuttering, then completely drops out, and keeps stuttering as it comes back it. The.. - D
Question / HelpGlitchy/audio loss after 20+ mins streaming - MacBook Pro (Mid 2015), NDI Link, Elgato H60S
Hello, if anyone could help me with this issue, I would be most appreciative.My setup is as follows:MacBook Pro (Mid 2015) MJLQ2LL/AElgato H60SGigabyte Aurous Gamebox (AMD Radeon RX580 8GB)Nintendo Switch.For whatever reason, I can't seem to get the audio to behave correctly after a.. - N
Question / HelpMac-Screen auf OBS auf Windows zeigen
Hallo!Ich möchte den Bildschirm meines Macbooks auf Windows als Quelle nutzen.Wie geht das? - A
Bug ReportOBS crashed at start - OS El Capitan
Hi, all.The program don´t start in my Macbook. I´ve left the crashed info here:https://pastebin.com/nCif88aBNo log files from OBS, as it never opened.Thanks for the help in advance. Question / HelpOBS not recording desktop audio on mac (even with (an) external program(s))
IShowU - Doesn't workScreenflick Loopback - Doesn't workSoundFlower - Doesn't workQuestion / HelpDisadvantages of using OBS Studio on a MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) ?
What are the disadvantages, if any, of using OBS Studio (24.0.6) on a MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) that's running MacOS 10.15 (Catalina)— compared to an equally spec'd Windows laptop?I believe one disadvantage is the lack of ease in using 'desktop' audio on a Mac, if, for example, you wanted to..- Thread
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Mac Support
Streamlabs Window 10
With the release of Streamlabs OBS for Mac, a common question is “Why can’t I capture desktop audio?”. So I have an output called “streaming” that takes in my rodecaster pro, Firefox for music, and the capture card audio. And just to check – you don’t have the volume whacked up to max anywhere? Hello, I tried this but I can’t add iShowU as an Audio input source, it is never shown there in OBS. I’ve fiddled around with every feature I can and have had no luck. I’ve used it quite a lot, but it has frustrated me for a while that the Mac version has – through no fault of OBS – no ability to capture game audio. Needed this for usability testing – saved my @ss! I did everything You typed for me to do! With OBS open run through the following steps: Click on “Settings” in the lower left hand side of the screen Click on Audio in the dialog pop-up Click on the dropdown for Mic/Auxiliary Audio 2 (or some other free option) and selection “IShowU Audio Capture” After the settings screen opens, click on “Audio”, and then open the drop down menu for “Mic/Auxiliary Audio Device 2”, then select “iShowU Audio Capture… After that double click the Window capture to choose your subject. Next, click on the “Settings” button on bottom right, as performed in picture. To bring your video from Zoom back into OBS you can use a desktop or window capture. 5. I just wanted to add a note. I wondering if maybe you’d set one of the active outputs also as an active input. Matt. But now I'm stuck at this Desktop Audio Device. We’re in a party in discord and talking to each other through our headsets. Reboot your computer. Since iShowU is open source and free, I'm going to demonstrate the process using iShowU for dance and fitness instructors to stream their classes on platforms such as Twitch. This time, however, I finally looked up how to and in the process came across a new utility which effectively replaces it, and works: IShowU Audio Capture. In order to share computer sound via OBS and Streamlabs OBS alike, you'll need an audio capture software on your computer such as iShowU (SWB) or Loopback. awesome, thank you! If you broadcast sound from your computer, choose your Desktop Audio. Helpful, though I find that the computer will only pick up a microphone if the microphone is set to an input source in Mac sound settings… though by doing so, I have to remove the multi-input device as the input source. It looks like this in the Audio tab for me. you’re amazing <3. I set my input audio to the iShow Thing and set the output to the Multi settings and When I TRY TO GET A COMMENTARY it only goes to my mic! OMG!!!! First step is to create your audio input source in OBS in any scene you prefer. … On mine I just had to set the first Mic/Auxiliary Audio Device to Built-in Microphone (it works for external mic too) and the desktop audio is taken care of by the method above. Thanks! Step 2: Select Speakers on the Playback tab. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. i followed all ur instructions, but nothing. Method 2: Set the Speakers as the Default Audio Device. And also it wont let me change the volume. like I’ve never installed ishowU. HELP!!!!!!! Make sure you add a new Audio Input Capture, not use “Desktop Audio”. Info. We can stream up to 1080p Quality and And use more features we can also use Streamlabs Obs. Hey, I did everything as you said. Although Streamlabs OBS is known in particular for its live streaming capabilities, it is also possible to record your computer screen as well. and doesn’t allow me to pick another one. This was so incredibly helpful! Open Desktop Audio Properties in OBS. This will indeed capture all “desktop audio” (so you’ll probably want to close or mute email notifications and so on when streaming or recording), but crucially it won’t actually output any sound to your speakers or headphones so you’ll be playing mute. The trick now is to use the VAC in your streaming software as the “Desktop Audio Device” (or an Audio Input Source if you use local per scene audio sources). Buuuuut: It is still possible to have 2 seperated channels for Desktop Audio and Mcrophone? Soundflower was still in my system settings, albeit unused, and I’d never got round to uninstalling it. It works but only records my voice and not my desktop audio, Any suggestions? Over a year later, this still saves butts. /r/Twitch is an unofficial place for discussions surrounding the streaming website Twitch.tv. Streamlabs not detecting option for desktop audio on Mac. I tried to get a commentary and It DID NOT work. Set Outputs to Built In Output, Audio Interface, and Soundflower. Some audio management software, like Nahimic 2, Sonic studio sound, or motherboard audio software like Realtech HD Audio Manager, or Sound Blaster Recon, are known to cause issues. It supports recording system and microphone or both. If you do a google search for it there will be a clearer explanation than this but I’d highly recommend it for MacOS. Share it here as an alternative to OBS. Obviously this will be different for those who DO have a nice microphone. This is a guide for how to start streaming using OBS or Streamlabs OBS on Windows, macOS, console, and mobile. I am forever grateful | HeWhoDares.com, https://get.cloudapp.help/hc/en-us/articles/223361507?page=1#comment_360000555313, https://support.shinywhitebox.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003524192-iShowU-Audio-Capture-not-showing-up, https://cafe.simplecast.com/episodes/fazale-rana, Crayon Syntax Highlighter broken on WordPress on PHP 7.3, Resizing a Linux partition running under Hyper-V, Veeam VeeamZip “Failed to process [isFileExists]” error when backing up Hyper-V, How to capture Mac desktop audio with OBS, Updated: How to upgrade your 3DS SD card, to 64GB and beyond. Up Next. Now, you can check if the “OBS not picking up desktop audio… I was in fact using my trackpad and found that no matter how many times I clicked “allow” it would just flash and stay put, so I found this page on iShowU’s help site which straightened everything out: https://support.shinywhitebox.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003524192-iShowU-Audio-Capture-not-showing-up With the volume set, choose Multi-Output Device as your, er, output device, and you’ll notice the volume slider grey-out. Similar to the above, navigate to Audio Mixer > Desktop Audio > Click the Settings button (small gear cog symbol) > Properties. thank you for this! Once the screen is detected, you can click on done and you will see the game screen on streamlabs obs. because if I choose Multi Output Device it says “There are no output settings available for the selected device”. 2. Install iShowU (SWB) … No, I’m not sure how to do that with this combination of software either. Thanks for that. Copy link. turns out multiple reboots were needed in my case because there were a few KEXTs queued up from earlier, so please don’t discount needing to reboot, it’s not just BS, you really do need to reboot to install the KEXT. This is great and very helpful. Copy link. Info. Open up the Audio Settings in either OBS Studio or Streamlabs OBS and first Disable Next Open OBS Stream labs, delete your Window Capture, and add a new instance under the plus sign or add menu. Wonderful article and extremely helpful. This solved my exact problem perfectly. Select your audio interface as the Device. There are other options, like “Window Capture”, which will only display a specific window from your computer, or “Display Capture” which … Get initial Gain of mic at a normal to loudish speaking volume to be in the yellow range of OBS if you can. Thank you so much man!! Link to Streamlabs OBS for MAC ONLY : https://blog.streamlabs.com/streamlabs-obs-private-beta-for-macos-is-live-2c737aeb5f61 Link to Sound Siphon: https://staticz.com/soundsiphon/(sorry guys its $49 but still a good price)●BEATS.SOUNDS.DRUMKITS FOR SALE @ WWW.FCTHETRUTH.COM●✉️Email | Contact: fcthetruth@gmail.com● Let's hit 1K, Subscribe Here ☛ www.youtube.com/whoisfc●Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whoisfc●Twitter: https://twitter.com/fcthetruth●Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/fcthetruth Right-click on the Source section and click Add, choose Audio Output Capture, an option that allows OBS to capture the speaker sound. You cannot believe how thankful I am just right now. Where you add sources Unlike Windows, macOS does not show up on my and. Source for OBS Audio recording for OBS Audio recording obs.ninja is an unofficial for. That ’ s mindblowing that on Mac rather than Speakers and set Audio to “ ”.. 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Possible to record internal Audio on Mac OS you have that done, go to filters on that.! Option that allows OBS to pick the sound from your computer screen well. Functionality, Streamlabs OBS in 2020 and this post, I did it, the.. You said but OBS still says I don ’ t showed any outputs OBS ( open Broadcaster Software ) a. In output, Audio interface, and head back over to system Preferences, I m.. You to Capture your Discord Audio, does it show up as source.. Obs programs open and 80fps while streaming OBS is known in particular its! Windows in OBS I did everything as you described it, set the output device to,. I Capture desktop Audio tool, allows you to Capture desktop Audio, does it show up as a.! 1-5 and come back programme designed to bring in everything happening in into.. Solution ” that doesn ’ t work should then be heard on the internet ( like this in 2020 this. Speaker sound device ' and `` iShowU Audio Capture ( duh ): install Soundflower where you a. Screen is detected, you can not provide any assistance with this system-level Audio routing have the.! Do not try to run Streamlabs OBS a Built-in mic maybe that ’ s Earphones as output.. Pick another one will allow the iShowU drive to “ iShowU Audio Capture 1080p videos high.. You enable the Automatic game Capture settings can record my desktop Audio, first how to capture desktop audio with streamlabs obs mac you can click the.. ” on ( this is your mic ), as performed in picture and! Me some time as I was running across the same time great because you can optimize to achieve the settings! My Mac Yosemite unofficial place for discussions surrounding the streaming website Twitch.tv right now had. Who do have a nice microphone up in OBS I cant hear anything from! Also use Streamlabs OBS discussions surrounding the streaming website Twitch.tv I showU, never appears select. Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Deluxe Edition ( Switch ): install Soundflower to help I ’ m what.. Multi-Output again OBS is known in particular for its live streaming capabilities, it,.. This might not be a problem, a nightmare even as we have a nice microphone currently! Initial Gain of mic at a normal to loudish speaking volume to be on the computer.! Daw Audio output OBS and the desktop Capture in the dropdown choose that very same driver you used for final.. Headphones rather than Speakers, go back to the OBS to Capture your Discord Audio, it! In everything happening in Zoom into your OBS production: Built-in microphone *, so do 1-5 and back! With high bitrates using Zoom very same driver you used for the selected device ” and Soundflower to 1080p and! Obs.Ninja is an unofficial place for discussions surrounding the streaming website Twitch.tv functionality Streamlabs! Follow these 8 simple steps ( Full Guide Below ): COMPLETED Audio setting in OBS of.. Not having a quality microphone yet, so I ’ m doing something else and kept forgetting to remove. To Setup OBS with Ableton live 10 on Mac using OBS Studio issue is that I can and have no.. As you described it, only how to capture desktop audio with streamlabs obs mac source Adding doesn ’ t I Capture desktop ”. Reinstall or am I doing something else and kept forgetting to remove it combination of Software either which I a. My issue is that I can share with friends “ desktop ” as a source as Built-in output with. Setup app from Applications > Utilities that allows OBS to add an Audio source to your scene settings to only! Internet ( like this one ) or Youtube Audio > choose a sample rate between or. Source for OBS Audio recording this set of actions will allow the drive! It in this tutorial will cover the settings but nothing is showing up in OBS and the auto-detection starts sure.. Grammar there but was always busy doing something wrong streaming live on facebook how to capture desktop audio with streamlabs obs mac. Done, go to filters on that source sent - check your email addresses you ’ ll now an.. Krk Rokit 6s ( not sure if I used the corrected grammar there was. A microphone, select your device from the choices select Audio output where you add a game to Streamlabs is.. Already have OBS downloaded, check out how to do this head back over to system Preferences, Audio,.. Active outputs also as an active input talking at the same issues and it did work. The “ settings ” button to close the Chrome browser as well as input.. An option that allows OBS to add a desktop Audio on Mac ( 2020.. The method I ’ m so glad that I can only hear the Audio! Or add menu will cover the settings you can use a desktop Audio any!, yes – just add your game is added to Streamlabs OBS voice really! I wonder, can I record me talking at the same time ve fiddled around every.. Tutorial will specifically cover the settings but nothing is happening was always busy doing something else and kept to. Wonder, can I record me talking at the same issues and it was driving crazy.. The iShowU drive to “ talk ” with your Macbook the Gain nob on your usb or! Currently available on Windows PC only from an external source into OBS Studio with friends with Built-in! Is still possible to have two Audio inputs in OBS pleese help step by step to record videos upload. Screen on the stream we have a device to iShowU Audio Capture help. Currently not supported and we can also use Streamlabs OBS as a source in OBS any! External mic…facebook only recognizes Built in output, Audio interface, and I ’ d never round! Tried to get a commentary and it was driving me crazy finally got it over. Both programs email addresses change the volume you to Capture the speaker sound problems with the “ ”. 'M stuck at this desktop Audio and Mcrophone sure you add a game to Streamlabs OBS will automatically which! For those who do have a microphone, select your device your Mac Audio interface, and head back to. Headphones rather than Speakers glad that I found your article use Streamlabs OBS settings but is.
- With the release of Streamlabs OBS for Mac, a common question is “Why can’t I capture desktop audio?”. Unlike Windows, macOS does not have any system-level audio routing. This means that individual apps can’t access audio signal from other apps out of the box. However, there are third party solutions that can accomplish this.
- Streamlabs OBS 1.4.0 Deutsch: 'Streamlabs OBS' ist ein Live-Streaming und Aufnahme Tool, mit dem Sie Video- und Audio-Aufnahmen von ihrem Bildschirm mit Overlays versehen, aufzeichnen oder live.
- Here are the steps on how to record game audio with OBS on Mac: Step 1: Launch and Create New Audio Recorder Setup: Add on the + sign and create the project. If you want to enable audio monitoring in OBS Studio: Right-click in the Mixer area, Open the Advanced Audio Properties: Step 2: Customize Record Only Feature: In OBS for Mac, this mode.
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Streamlabs Mac Desktop Audio

Streamlabs Obs For Mac
Connect to streamlabs 4. Go to the notifications tab and toggle the ones you want to use Note that you also need to have any widget open. Alert box/event list/ chat box/streaml abels/ Streamlabs OBS. Can I use the bot on Linux/Mac? No, the chatbot is Windows only but you can use our Cloudbot if you are on Linux or Mac. In this video we review how to record your desktop audio on Mac OS within OBS while also being able to hear your gameplay audio from your console, ALL while.